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 [Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2

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Nombre de messages : 5582
Age : 32
Localisation : Etoile de la Mort
Linker(s) : NinjaPass X9TF
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2006

[Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2 Empty
MessageSujet: [Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2   [Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2 Icon_minitimeLun 30 Avr - 13:28

SimonjHall , du forum GbaDev , nous propose une deuxieme Pre-release de son fameux portage de Quake sur DS , qui est une belle reussite !

Pour que QuakeDS fonctionne , il faut posseder les .wad de la version original , que voius ne trouverez pas ici sur NDS LinkCard , mais sa ne doit pas etre trop difficile a trouvé je pense...

[Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2 Malice

[Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2 Example

Citation :
Current Status, as of 29/04/07
This port was started in mid-October 2006. It is not yet finished, however it is nearing completion.
The game

* the program, working state and game data have been squeezed into the four megabytes of main memory
* it requires either shareware or commercial pak files, Amiga and PC paks have been successfully used
* total conversions and mods should work, assuming they respect the tiny memory size (extended RAM to be supported in a couple of weeks)
* infrastructure-based wifi network gaming is supported (build to be released in a few days, after more testing)
* ad-hoc DS/DS gaming will be supported at a later date
* there is now full control configuration
* game saves now work, although there may be some corruption using certain DLDI drivers
* there's a crosshair :-)
* there is a proper timebase, so the speed won't be inconsistent any more!


* the majority of the software renderering has been moved over to using the 3D hardware
* world textures are display nearly-correctly, there are however non-power-of-two textures still aren't rendered correcly; Alias models are fully textured
* the game uses faux vertex lighting, derived from the original lightmaps; light animations also work correctly. Full lightmapping may be included at a later date
* there's no dynamic lighting yet
* Alias models are not lit
* sprites and particles are hacked in (as of 17/02/07) and are only partially hardware-accelerated, and have no textures
* there are sky, water, sludge, lava and teleporter animations (the sky is now rendered mostly-correctly, too)
* the console now uses the Quake font from the chosen pak files
* the game uses hardware fogging for a light depth cue above ground, thick fog for below water
* there's a HUD
* GUI elements are transparent


* sound effects support is about 95% finished, with the whole sound system running on the ARM7
* the sound system uses proper spatial positioning (it is stereo though...) - plug it into your speakers and subwoofer to hear all the effort I put into this!
* CD music is currently being investigated
o the existing solution requires the CD soundtrack to be ripped to your flash card
o uses an MP3 decoder, running on the second processor
o ...but the file streaming slows down the primary processor a bit too much

Tech info

* uses the libfat DLDI interface, so should hopefully work on all supported flash cards
* built using the latest toolchain, devkitARM r20
* textures and sounds are loaded from disk on demand - you will notice slow loading if you have certain types of cards, or low quality flash cards
* sound and texture memory is defragged in the background
* in-game performance is still not hot, but is being actively worked on - expect to see it run twice as fast in the finished build
* Alias rendering performance has been improved by 300%, brush model rendering 30%
* performance is timed using a custom function-instrumenting profiler (a bit like gprof) and another system is used for recording the exact pad and screen input for later replaying
* the DS is put to sleep when the lid closes (disabled in this build)
* there is no texturing on brush or Alias models or images loaded from individual files - you must use pak files

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[Homebrew] QuakeDS Pre-release 2
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