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 [Homebrew] Nouvelle version de DSCent

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Nombre de messages : 5582
Age : 32
Localisation : Etoile de la Mort
Linker(s) : NinjaPass X9TF
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2006

[Homebrew] Nouvelle version de DSCent Empty
MessageSujet: [Homebrew] Nouvelle version de DSCent   [Homebrew] Nouvelle version de DSCent Icon_minitimeLun 7 Mai - 3:01

kayvenm nous propose une nouvelle version de son fameux portage , DSCent ! Les nouveautés son nombreuses !

[Homebrew] Nouvelle version de DSCent Keyboard

Citation :
Fixed (thanks to Caydr for reported alot of those) :

*Animated 2D objects were inverted
*Animated 2D objects had artifacts
*infinite turning when not using touchscreen (be sure to select ‘DS Pad only’)
*invisible robots are now see-through
*fixed loadgame menu not displaying all games (removed the savegame’s image)
*fixed end level sequence not using the proper texture for the planet’s surface.
*fixed end level sequence displaying cross hair.
f*ixed ‘misaligned twin grate’ problem.

New stuff :

*New menu navigation scheme :
*A - accepts
*B - cancel
*Customized menus for DS (removed joystick options, etc.)
*New in-game menu
*Allows access to options menu, load/save game and abort game
*Enter using Start, freeing Select to be used
*Can now use touchscreen keyboard to name savegames (oops)
*Fully customizable HUD including user defined softkeys (see readme.txt)
*Removed the multiplayer submenu (for now…)
*Substantial speed increase in more visually complex levels.

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[Homebrew] Nouvelle version de DSCent
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