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 [Developpement] PAlib 070316

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Nombre de messages : 1631
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2007

[Developpement] PAlib 070316 Empty
MessageSujet: [Developpement] PAlib 070316   [Developpement] PAlib 070316 Icon_minitimeVen 16 Mar - 21:05

Et voila une nouvelle versions de la PAlib Very Happy

Il y a pas mal d'ajout niveau sprites et son, ainsi que des corrections de bug et autre Smile

[Developpement] PAlib 070316 128x200_PAlib2

Mollusk a écrit:
PAlib 070316 : Community Build

New Stuff

*[3DSprites] Added PA_Init3D2Banks(void) and PA_Reset3DSprites2Banks(void) to use 2 banks instead of 1, but it removes the backgrounds from screen 0...
*[3DSprites] Added functions to load from gif files. Check the example to see how it works. This is much slower than the normal texture functions
*[3DSprites] Added PA_3DSetSpriteAlpha(sprite, alpha) and PA_3DSetSpritePolyID(sprite, polyID (0-64)) and the example... Sprites must have different polyIDs to alphablend. You might want to set the sprites to different priorities too Wink
*[FATlib] Added Sumiguchi's FAT example (http://palib.info/forum/modules/newbb/v ... mpost16028)
*[Sound] PSG support added, check example for more info
*[BgWrap] PA_SetBgWrap(u8 screen, u8 bg, u8 wrap) added, for RotBg, 8bit, and 16bit backgrounds. Usefull if you need to scroll around 8bit/16bit backgrounds. Thanks to mastertop for the tip
*[BgTrans] Added PA_BgTransCenter(u8 screen, u16 type, u8 invert, s16 state); and the example...
*[Transitions] Added BrightnessFade2 and the example
*[ModPlayer] Added PA_SetModVolume(0-127) and PA_GetModVolume(), plus a nice example
*[ModPlayer] Added PA_SetModChanPan(u8 channel, u8 pan) and PA_SetModPan(u8 pan), with the example, as always
*[Hardware] Now auto-turns off the DS on lid close by default. You can change that by using PA_SetAutoCheckLid (if you want to have it always on, or have your custom CheckLid).

Updated Oldies

*[PAGfx] Now returns an error message if you give it wrong filenames (typo or name starting with a number)
*[ModPlayer] Abrexxes updated the modplayer, should with more mods now (http://palib.info/forum/modules/newbb/v ... mpost16043)
*[Sound] Repeat is back. Also added PA_PlaySoundRepeat(PA_Channel, sound) and an example using it.

Things Fixed

*[Sprite] PA_SpriteTouched now works in all corners, sorry
*[DSMotion] Fixed
*[GifToTile] Cedric fixed a memory leak, thanks
*[3DSprites] Textures were overlapping when using very large sizes, fixed
*[3DSprites] Textures were overlapping when using very large sizes, fixed
*[3DSprites] Fixed width/height, now supports non-square textures/sprites. Added rectangle example with 256x32 sprite
*[3DSprites] Fixed Priorities on DS
*[16bit] PA_Draw16bitRect should be fixed

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